How many more attacks can she survive? Will she even want to? . . #ladyliberty #statueofliberty #stencilart #seattlestreetart #protestmurals #protestart #calanderson #grouchyart #grouchy #stencil #spraypaint #spraypaintart #seattleart #democracy #election2024
This one is for my fellow FuckUps out there, who despite the circumstances, still keep marching forward, making that joyful noise. I think this is my biggest non-com piece yet, so hope it stays for a bit. . . Special thanks to @walking_designs for making this one go up. . . #dinosaur #trex #triceratops #raptor #marchingband #trombone #drum #streetart #seattlestreetart #seattleart #montanacans #spraypaint #spraypaintart #grouchyart #grouchy #kreau
I can`t believe it, but I didn`t take photos of my work at @_toysnotincluded while it was up, because I`m a complete lump. But this piece was purchased by someone while it was there. If you see this, person, reach out and say hey. I`d love to say thanks. And also, time to share some of the pieces here I guess. Dang, what have I been even doing? . . #stencilart #spraypaint #spraypaintart #mime #seattleart #ouino #fingergun
@walking_designs invited me out for some collaborative work last night. Their astro-diver is wild looking! And it was kinda fun returning to my roots with slapping some paper up, even if I had to resort to a staple gun in the end. . . #protestart #pasteup #seattlestreetart #grouchy #votelikeyougiveafuck #votebitch #monarchbutterfly #monarch #guillotine #butterfly #capitolhillseattle #streetart
A little poster I made and put up this evening. Remember, in Seattle, street art is a crime, but being president and trying to overthrow the government isn`t, apparently. . . #andthentherewerenone #protestart #pasteup #supremecourt #justice #pigeon #streetart #seattlestreetart #grouchy #grouchyart #agathachristie #president #usa #officialact #capitolhillseattle #capitolhill
This is what I was doin during the stupid #debate . Uhg. . . #vote #votelikeyougiveafuck #spraypaint #spraypaintart #stencilart #stencil #protestart #Seattle #seattlestreetart #grouchy #grouchyart #kreau
Last night sure got interesting. A little project called #artoverads kicked off in #belltown and #pioneersquare bringing some much needed makeovers to some poster walls. I know I won`t be able to tag y`all in the posts, cuz honestly I couldn`t keep track, so sound off below as a favor please. ✊ . . #seattlestreetart #seattleart #pasteup #guerillaart #poster #posterwall #protestart #grouchy #kreau
Today is a bit of an announcement. After nearly 15 years of painting under the name, Kreau, I`ve decided it`s time to evolve my identity and now create under the name, "Grouchy". With a change like this comes a lot of anxiety, obstacles, and discomfort. But none more significant than what many have been experiencing around the world. Life feels different. *I* feel different. My art has evolved and it`s looking for a path forward. I`m by no means turning my back on anything I`ve done, and I will continue to amplify many of the designs I`ve created, proudly. But I can`t ignore that the tone of my work has been leading me to this. Thank you everyone for keeping the fires of street art burning and for striving to make the world a more beautiful place. This is Grouchy, signing on. Stay tuned.
The word community gets thrown out a lot. It`s one of those words you get used to hearing so many times, you wonder if it has meaning. I think I was reminded of it this week, both from friends and total strangers. This is my first visit to #nyc and I brought along some pieces from my collection, knowing I wanted to paint while I was in town. My friends brought me in and showed me around #brooklyn and #bushwick so I could scope a spot. I`m honored and humbled to share space with some of the work out here. . . But I also spent time in #manhattan and walking in to get cans at the @scrapyardnyc1 the street art community here immediately opened up and shared a space to go paint (and see more incredible work from artists). My pieces won`t last long, I know. These are pretty open walls. But I`m grateful to the community here, new and familiar, for welcoming me. Respect from #Seattle . . #streetart #seattlestreetart #newyork #newyorkstreetart #nycstreetart #stencilart #aerosolart #stencil #bushwickstreetart #eagle #kreau #spraypaintart #cowboy #freeman #freemansalley #freemanalley
Seattle, we gotta talk. Let`s put aside the conversation that these three pieces were shit on when there is about 2500 linear feet of tunnel wall here. I wanna talk about how y`all MUTILATE BLACK FACES. This isn`t the first time I`ve seen this on my work either. Sometimes when y`all don`t like the message you pick up, you cover it, put a dick on it, tell me various ways I can go gratify myself, etc. But when there`s a black human being on a wall, the violence is ramped up to psychopathic behavior. I painted this on concrete, and someone scratched out the eyes of the larger face. Scratched them the fuck out, in concrete. And on the smaller figure, it looks like someone bludgeoned the face so many times it`s down to bare concrete. The other face, naw, they just got sick tattoos and boobs. A few years ago, two other pieces, including a literal child, had the plywood chiseled out, and the face of a man had repeated boot prints. Seattle, why are you triggered by black faces? . . #seattlemightberacist #seattleart #protestart #stencilart #rightsnotlikes #kreau #streetart #spraypaint #seattlestreetart #protestmurals
I started working on this design last week. It`s not quite finished, but here we are again, another school shooting. Iowa, my heart goes out to you. It feels trivial to offer condolences. It feels heartless to speculate on solutions. And it feels defeating that this has become our culture. The culture I grew up watching. The culture I grew up afraid of. The culture I very nearly experienced first hand. I hope you heal, Iowa. Unfortunately, your support group gets larger every day. . . #violence #stencilart #gunculture #iowa #cowboy #kreau #protestart #school #seattlestreetart #seattleart #streetart #stencil #thoughtsandprayers
There are a great quantity of people more qualified to discuss, more educated on the nuance, and more affected by the conflicts we see coming thru our media every day. This isn`t meant to be a sermon. But it feels like we just keep moving from one humanitarian crisis to the next, often repeating old ones. And each time we do, everyone wants to pick a side like it`s Super Bowl Sunday; ”hooray for this color jersey, BOO-HISS for that color! Everything about THAT color jersey, and their fans, and where they come from is worthless!” But this isn`t football. There shouldn`t be sides when it comes to human life. We should be unified in the belief that we deserve an existence free from the shadow of oppression, war, and violence. We gotta stop killing each other. And if we can`t agree on that, will we ever agree on anything? . . #streetart #seattlestreetart #kreau #protestart #palestine #israel #ukraine #russia #usa #seattlemurals #spraypaint #stencilart #straightjacket #baldeagle #handgrenade #stencil #ballard
So the artist who painted over my Georgetown mural took a second from his very busy schedule to reply to me. Here is the response. When pressed for some dialogue about why he didn`t reach out to me before painting over it, he blocked me from Instagram. He also is blocking anyone criticizing him (or as he puts it "attacking him") even tho it`s just the community rightly saying this was a poor move. But let`s take a look at his response as a masterclass in lack of emotional intelligence.
1) starting a message with a version of "I`m usually too busy to attend to matters such as this" is not a good look. It`s dismissive and indicates that you think only you are owed the luxury of time. My time is also valuable, and you have already taken too much of it.
2) he says he didn`t paint over my piece in disrespect. Intent doesn`t excuse the act. It still happened. And without skipping a beat the sentence moves into whataboutism of people allegedly judging his work. I never identified this artist to my followers. Many of you also follow him and the person he is calling out didn`t even criticize the work but the act of covering my piece. This is fragile ego and once again, has nothing to do with my initial reaching out to the artist to find out what had happened.
3) he claims 7 business owners asked him to paint over it. I was asked by 3 to paint the original. I have a contract with them. We built the wall on their property. The client is who told me about this ordeal in the first place. There are not 7 other businesses on this street. Regardless, a professional artist such as this (who is internationally collected mind you) should know that if this was a genuine ask, reading out to the original artist would be a common step.
4) he says "my friends" can share their opinions. This is an interesting one. I`m very fortunate to have met many of my followers and shared stories with several of you. But David fails to recognize that people who enjoy my work are the community and fans. To assume that people who are responding to him are friends means he views me as a hobbyist who can only attract the attention of friends. Not like a serious artist such as himself.
👋By show of hands, how many of you fellow artists have taken four days to cover up someone else`s maintained, community mural? I mean, that would be kind of a weird move right? Even if it were say, to coincide with an artists` studio anniversary in the neighborhood this week, or #artattack?
Says a lot when even the taggers have more restraint.
I`ve reached out to the artist for a dialogue, and the studio they`re a resident at. Haven`t heard back yet.
You know, in street art, we`re used to having our stuff hit, bombed, buffed, and otherwise erased. But having it silenced by another artist whos mission statement claims "each painting represents the people, the communication that comes with our humanity" is pretty new. Of course 2023 brings artist on artist violence. . . #seattleart #streetart #seattlestreetart #seattlemurals #georgetown #leafcutterants #seattle #kreau #whatiswater
Last week was the opening of "Toys Not Included" curated by @girlspitart . And last night was #belltownartwalk . Next week I`ll be on an artist panel shooting my mouth off about who knows what. It`s always humbling to be part of this community and I`m grateful for the opportunity to sharing walls with so many talented folx. Sorry if I don`t tag you all, there`s so many, lemme know and I`ll update.
What an interesting year for #pridemonth . I wrote a super long story here, but deleted it because I`m tired of being sad. 💜=💜 everyone. Stop hurting each other. . . #lgbtq #lgbtqia #pride #stencilart #stencil #protestart #pridemarch #resisthate #rainbow #heart #kreau #calanderson #plywoodmural #seattlepride
Painted a new piece at . Thanks for supporting a bunch of really talented artists and giving me a space to shout some angst. Incidentally, went from painting this piece to walking over to the moore theater and got to see @placeboworld kill it on stage. I`ve been waiting decades to see them live; a band that`s been there for the lowest lows and the highest highs. Art is an ecosystem. Film, dance, music, performance, paint, form... It`s so important that we all find ways to create it, absorb it, and advocate for its place in our world. . . #America #eagle #baldeagle #crazy #straightjacket #straitjacket #americafuckyeah #thisisamerica #kreau #basecampstudios #spraypaint #spraypaintart #seattlemurals #seattleart #stencilart #stencil #placebo
Less than a day after repairing it from a tag, it got hit by 4 more. My favorite is the "fuck guns" written in what I think is makeup pencil. I mean, we agree? Not sure the caption was needed. I`m gonna keep eyes on this one tho, cuz i feel it`s important. . . Also, shout out to the building for buffing stuff but trying to keep my work intact. All my stuff is non commissioned, and I`ve never spoken with them, but I appreciate the nod. My previous piece is just down to a head, but, dammit, they`re maintaining that head. Might be time to repaint that piece. . . #stencilart #kreau #spraypaint #seattleart #rplace #seattlemurals #ar15 #schoolsupplies #tagging #capitolhillseattle
Here`s an interesting couple of facts: since the Columbine school shooting in 1999, there have been 377 more school shootings in the US, meaning an estimated 300,000 children have experienced gun violence in their schools (Washington Post). And 175 children have been killed by guns in mass shootings in school (AP). But the bans being successfully moved forward right now ensure that your kids can`t talk about menstruation or read books with rainbows on the covers. . . #stencil #streetart #seattleart #seattlemurals #stencilart #ar15 #assaultrifle #schoolsupplies #protestart #kreau #montanacans #thisisamerica #gunviolence #mtg #aoc #potus #vote #rifle
2021-2023 just a little look at the evolution of piece I`ve worked on. . . #stencilart #seattlemurals #seattleart #spraypaint #stencil #kreau #plywoodmural #capitolhillseattle
A new work in progress #stencil (digital) that feels relevant on this holiday weekend. . . #stencilart #America #eagle #baldeagle #americafuckyeah #straitjacket #straightjacket #stateoftheunion #presidentsday #kreau #seattleart #wip
My piece from last year lasted a good ten months or so before getting absolutely blasted pretty much over night. I waited a couple months and decided to paint a new piece in its place rather than try to restore it. . . Incidentally, do you ever get the feeling that you`re disappearing. It`s an awful feeling. Maybe that`s why I`m here, reverting back to caveman instincts, just tracing my hand on a wall trying to prove I exist. . . #spraypaint #stencil #stencilart #seattleart #seattlemurals #plywoodmural #capitolhillartwalk #capitolhillseattle #kreau #mural #montanacans #monarchbutterfly #deer #fire #crow #caveman #graffiti